Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday learning activities

Good morning Year One

I hope you enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend.  I trust you and your family are all well and keeping safe.  It has been great looking at your photos through email and I'm so proud of how hard you have been working on your tasks at home.I have been trying to make the activities about things we learn in class as well as something that is accessible for you to do at home.  Please remember to post a comment on the blog as it's nice to keep in touch.

Warm up
Go noodle Yeti - You can click on the link below

Activity 1
Look at the picture of the astronaut below.  Read the sentences and copy if you like.  Then make a list of all the describing words.

Cosmic Starry Sky Vast Universe Astronaut Rocket, Meteor, Meteor ...        Hello, I'm an astronaut and my name is Tom. I like to go on adventures in Space. I am wearing a white spacesuit with red stripes.  My rocket is fast and powerful.  It is white and red with a blue window.  I have a yellow robot dog with  black wheels so it can move around the orange moon and explore. 

Activity 2      
Today we are going to introduce money and the 1p coin.  I have included a video of a lesson for you to enjoy.  If you cannot get on the link don't worry.  You can ask a parent to look at the coins they have.  You can draw around them, or if you have a crayon you can do a rubbing of the different coins.  See how many coins you can find and say what they are.  

This link follows on from counting in 2s, 5s and 10s that we have previously looked at.

Activity 3
Art and DT

Today I would like you to start making a collection of things to make your own rocket.  I know that some of you started to make your rocket already so if you have you can collect things to make a space robot like in the picture.  Draw your space robot first and then make a list of boxes, clean yogurt pots and whatever else you can find to make the best space robot ever.  What can you use for the legs?  What would be best for the head?  How can you make the eyes?  Can you make a part of the body that will move?

Remember to read your reading book.  If the weather is ok you can read it in the garden.  It doesn't matter if you have read it before because you can be practicing to read fluently and with expression.  You can read your book to a younger member of the family or to your toys.  You can also look at other book links I've given you before.

Have a lovely day and don't forget to look for photos at the end of the end in our reflection.

I hope you all had a great day and thank you for your attitude to learning at home.  It is always a pleasure to see what you have achieved.  I have shared some of your photos below.  I hope you all have a great evening.  Take care and keep safe.


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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T