Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Trip to the Moon

Good morning Year One

Hope you are all well.  It is going to be another sunny day I think.  Remember to look at the blog at the end of the school day because you will see a reflection of the day's activities and also I include of your lovely photos and work you have sent.  It gives you the chance to see what your friends have been doing.

If you want to keep to the structured day, here is the link below for you to use.
https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/home-learning-timetable/  - go to year 1.  Then scroll down to week beg 20.4.20 and choose the correct day and have a go.

This term our topic is about astronauts and space especially looking at famous people who have been very important to achieving great things in our world. 

Activity 1

Our story that will link to our topic is called 'Whatever Next! '  It is about a baby bear who wants to visit the moon.  You can listen to the story on the link below and then I have some questions for you to answer.

What did Baby bear use to make a rocket?

What has he used for his space boots?

Can you remember what Baby bear had for his pack lunch?  Make a list.

What bird flew past him on his way to the moon?

What did Baby bear and owl think about their time on the moon?

Maybe you can have your own picnic today in your garden.  What would you like to have in your pack lunch box?

Here is another version of the story for you.  Choose which one you think is the best.


Activity 2
To draw your own rocket.  What will it look like?  What colour will it be?
Ask your parents to start collecting any old boxes for junk modelling so that later on you can make your own rocket like Baby bear.

Activity 3

There are lots of short video clips about our planets and space.  I have included some links for you to look at today.  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd6nLM2QlWw  - all about the planets

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQrlgH97v94 - planets song

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHAqT4hXnMw   - planets song

I hope you have a fun day.  At the end of the day you can look back at this post and read a reflection at the end and I will post some of your pictures.

Hi there, I hope you have all had a good day. Please remember to comment on the blog.  I will now share some photos for you to look at.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T