Thursday, July 16, 2020

Friday 17th July

Good morning to you all!
It's the last day of year one.  When we meet again you will be the big Year Twos!  It has been a joy to see how hard you have been working at home and keeping positive in these tricky times.  You should all be so proud of your efforts and your family.  It was also lovely to see some of you back in school and meeting up with your friends.  I wish you all a fantastic and safe summer holiday and look forward to seeing how much you have grown in September.  Take care and stay well.
Here are today's activities if you want to keep busy today or you might just like to have fun!

Warm up- Maximo
Activity 1 
It is now time for you to enjoy the summer holiday.  Look at the first image below and make a list of all you can see.  Then you can write sentences about what you enjoy if you go to the beach.
Activity 2
Maths: To experience standard units of mass

Activity 3
Why don’t you make some funny face masks or design your own sunglasses using card or even decorate an old sunhat and take some selfies or ask a parent to take a picture for you. Always ask a parent first.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Good evening to you all!
Thank you for your pictures and for all your hard work over the last 4 months.  Enjoy the holiday and I'll see you again in September.  Take care x

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T