Thursday, July 2, 2020

Friday 3rd July

Good morning everyone
Here are today's activities.  On Saturday it is Abby's birthday.  Happy birthday dear Abby.  I know you are looking forward to it so have a great day.


Activity 1 
Listen to our story again.  Why don’t you ask an adult if they will help you to make your own fruit salad for lunch.  You can chop up some of your favourite fruits to eat.  Ask an adult to help you chop up your fruit.  (be careful)  You can then take a picture and send it to me so I can show you friends in school.  You could write you own simple instructions telling us how you made it.  Then you can eat it!                                         
Activity 2
Maths: Solving problems

Activity 3

Balance a basket How easy is it to walk carrying something on your head? Using a small basket with a few soft items, or a cushion, children can practice walking without holding their load on their heads. This can become a game, with someone trying to take an item without being noticed.

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.       

Thank you for your efforts and hard work today.  I saw some terrific role play activities and some yummy fruit salads.  Also it is Abby's birthday tomorrow so I want to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her.  Here are today's photos!


Anonymous said...


Mrs Rowland said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Angelica. Abby

Anonymous said...

Thank You Mrs Rowland. Abby

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T