Friday, July 3, 2020

Next week's timetable 6th July

Warm up – Go noodle
Activity 1             
English: Oliver’s vegetables
Look at the front cover.  What do you think the book is about?
Read aloud
Read the story aloud allowing time to talk about what is happening and the different vegetables as you do.
Join in
When you read the story again your child could join in perhaps by being Oliver, saying eg, ‘I don’t eat vegetables. I only eat chips.’ ‘That was good’ and ‘That was very good.’ etc
Tell the story
Using the illustrations as a guide, children can tell the story in their own words.
Talk about the book
Talk about what children liked or didn’t like about this story. Did they have any questions about it?
Activity 2
Maths: Comparing lengths and heights

Activity 3
Art: Draw pictures of your favourite vegetables.  You can design a healthy meal that includes your favourite vegetables.  Draw around a plate and draw your healthy meal.  You could use playdough to make the food to go on your plate.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden.

Warm up- Joe Wicks/PE
Activity 1
English: spellings and phonic
Activity 2
Maths: measuring lengths
Activity 3


Color Cabbage
You can show them how plants get water from their roots to their leaves — literally — by putting cabbage (or celery, but cabbage is more colourful) in food colouring.
Water Walking
You'll need six containers of water for this one: three with clear water, one with red food coloring, one with blue coloring, and one with yellow coloring. Arrange them in a circle, alternating colored and clear containers, and make bridges between the containers with folded paper towels. Your kids will be amazed to see the colored water "walk" over the bridges and into the clear containers, mixing colors, and giving them a first-hand look at the magic of capillarity.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden.

Warm up- Maximo

Activity 1
 English – To listen to our story again.
Make Oliver’s vegetable diary
What did Oliver eat every day? See if your child can remember, if not look back at the book to check. Make a 
simple origami book and write Oliver’s vegetable diary with pictures of everything he tried during his week at Gran and Grandpa’s.
Activity 2
Maths: measuring lengths
Activity 3

Do some cooking
Oliver’s grandparents make him some pea soup. You could have a go at making pea soup together. See video here which demonstrates a simple recipe to make with your children.

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Warm up- Cosmic kids
Activity 1
English: Spellings activity
  Activity 2
Maths : To understand units of measure

Activity 3
Coding activity

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.


Warm up- Go noodle 
Activity 1                                            

English: Listen to our story again. 

Why don’t you plan to make a proper healthy health with help from a parent.  Ask if you can make a healthy sandwich.  You can then write some simple instructions showing how you made your sandwich. E.g. Make a list of your ingredients first. Then write simple sentences to show how you made your sandwich. 1. First I buttered the bread.  2.  Then I …
Activity 2
Maths: Problem solving using doubling and halving
Activity 3
Why don’t you ask an adult if they can help you make a healthy vegetable or fruit smoothie?
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T