Friday, April 3, 2020

Crunchie Friday

Good morning year one

I hope you all had a good evening and lots of sleep.  Thank you to you and your parents for sending comments and photos that I can read.  Looking at your pictures really cheers me up each morning and makes me smile.  I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Lots of children near to where I live are sitting a teddy in the window to remind people to stay home and keep safe.  Maybe you are already doing this but if not you might like to do the same.

Let's start with a fun warm up.  You can ask a family member to join in!    Disco   Pirate song

Activity 1
Here is the link to the new phonics play website. Please try this. It is tablet friendly and should work on your devices. Let me know if you have any further problems. I have also sent the log in details you need to enter for full access.

Username: march20
Password: home 

Our topic for this term was all about Barnaby bear and the 7 continents.  First, can you remember the names of the Continents.  Then I think it would be nice for Barnaby bear to visit the Queen.  Imagine he has an idea for a new palace/ castle for her and her family to live in.  So you could draw a fabulous picture of his special outfit he will need to wear when he meets her.  Then you can draw what you think would be special enough for the Queen to live in.  It has to be very grand, lots of gold, maybe some jewels, towers and large windows for her to look out from.  You could make something with boxes and any old junk modelling stuff you might have.  Then you will need to design a very sparkly outfit for the Queen to wear.  Finally, you could write a sentence/sentences about his special visit.
Elizabeth II - Wikipedia  Queen Elizabeth , London Cartoon , The queen of England smiles ...

Activity 2

3D shapes hunt

Can you remember the names of our 3D shapes?  Here are some pictures  to help you.  I thought today you could go on a 3D shape hunt around your house or garden.  Count how many items you find or see that is the same shape as the ones below.  Can you find something that is the same as a cube?  Can you find something that is cone shape?  And so on with the other shapes.  Which one did you find the most of?  Which one did you find the least of?
3D Shape Resources | Abbotswell School

Activity 3

Why don't you make a game outside in your garden.  If you have some chalk you can make your own hopscotch.  You can also do some exercises out side and time yourself.  How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute?  Jogging on the spot.  You can play our chilli bean game with a member of your
family.  You can practice throwing and catching with a ball and bouncing a ball.

I hope you all have a great day.  I will reflect at the end of the day and share some photos.  Then I will share some Easter activities that you might want to do over the Easter Holiday.

Good afternoon everyone.  Thank you for your efforts today.  I have received some fantastic photos of lots of you working hard at home.  
Due to the Easter holiday this is the last post I will be doing until 20th April.  I will  still check my emails but lest frequently and will still be available to help if you need to contact me. Before the end of the day I will send an Easter activity post which will give you some fun activities to do over the holiday.  Happy Easter


Monika said...

Good morning everyone! Have a good weekend🌞 From Filip

Leyanne and Justin Lippett said...

Afternoon everyone hope you are all well and are all keeping safe

Mrs Rowland said...

Good afternoon everyone
Have a good Easter holiday and take care. I am sending my last post of some Easter activities you might like to do over the holiday. Please stay well and keep safe.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. enjoy in my phonics game.abby year one

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T