Monday, March 23, 2020

Good morning year one
Hope you had a safe weekend with your family.
Today I thought it would be nice to write our own Spring acrostic poem.  Look at my example and then make up some of your own interesting words for your poem.  You can then decorate it with some spring pictures and maybe stick it on your fridge at home. What to do: First you write the word 'spring'  downwards. Then you think of a word for each letter.  Challenge yourself and have a go, you can do it into your book from your pack and decorate. Good luck


Activity 2 - Maths challenge

Guess Mrs Rowland's numbers

1.      Mrs Rowland's number is larger than 10.  It is less than 20.  It is one more than 17.  What is the number?   ______

2.    Mrs Rowland's number is less than 26.  It has two digits that are the same.  It is 2 more than 9.
What is the number? ______

3.   Mrs Rowland starts with the number 30.  She takes away 5.  Then she adds one more.  What is her number?  ______

4.   Mrs Rowland starts with the number 15.  She takes away 10.  Then she takes away 2 more.
What is her number? ____

5.   Mrs Rowland adds 4 to a mystery number.  Her answer is 20.  What is the mystery number?

Can you make up your own number problems like Mrs Rowland? You can challenge someone in your family to find out the missing numbers. Good luck
Write your answer in your book. Remember to write your own numberline to help you count on and back when answering the questions. 

Activity 3

At this moment in time it is nice to think about our friendships.  Today think about a good friend or friends and record in your book or on paper and stick into your book.

My friend is called_________
Draw a picture of you and your friend or friends
Can you write 3 good things about your friend?  Why are they a good friend?  How do they make you feel?  Can you describe how they cheer you up? 

Also, remember to practice your phonics games on the previous link and read your reading books.
There is also a year one homework bingo activity sheet in your pack.  You can choose an activity from there to do and then colour that box in.

Have a lovely day.  Miss seeing you all. Take care.
Have a lovely day



Mr Condon said...

Morning Mrs Rowland - those activities look really interesting.

If any parents or carers email in some pictures, we can add them to the Blog and maybe Facebook.

Have a great Monday everybody.

Mr Condon

Abby said...

did my work. Fun

Leyanne Lippett said...

I’ve just worked out how to get this up so will get Justin on this today

Mr Condon said...

Great - thanks Leanne - Mr Condon

Mrs Rowland said...

Thank you to all who are responding to the work set.

Lindsay said...

Hi miss Rowland i have been doing all my work but i am finding it hard to post all of it

Mr Purser said...

Hi, If you email Mrs Rowland at, she will be able to post it. Thanks for getting in touch. Mr Purser.

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T