Friday, March 27, 2020


Good morning year one
It has been so lovely to see all your efforts to complete your tasks at home.  I have enjoyed looking at your photos so much.  Please can you leave me a comment when you do a task because I'm missing being in class and speaking to you all.  You can write me a short message in the comment box.  Thank you

Activity 1

Today I thought it will be great fun to make your own treasure map in your house or your garden.  Have a look at the pirate treasure map below.

Elephants On The Wall D I Y Paint a Mural, Pirate - Clip Art ...
You can create your own map of your home or your garden and hide some of your items around it.  Then you can mark each piece of your hidden treasure onto your map with a pirate's cross.
DIY Pirate Map and Treasure Hunt Games | Pirate treasure maps ...

Here is a map of someone's garden to show you.  You can add a compass- North, South, East and West on your map.  Ask a parent to help you with that.  Here is another example to show you below

How to Make a Treasure Map: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
1.  First you draw your map with lots of detail and colour it in.
2..Then you hide your chosen treasure items around your house or garden and mark them on your map with a cross.
3.  Next, explain your map to someone in your family and then they can go hunting for the treasure.
4.  Finally, you can give them clues to help them find the treasure.

Activity 2
Can you find the missing numbers?  First,  write the numbers up to 100 to help you.

11   _    13   14  15 ___  ____  18 ___  20  ____

34  ___  36  37   38   39  ____  41  42  ____

8  9  10  ___   12   13   ___  15   16   ____

71   ___   73   74   75   ____   77   78   79   80

Can you make your own missing number line?   Ask some one in your family to find the missing numbers.

Activity 3
Can you sort out my mixed up sentences? Remember a sentence has a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Have a go!  When you have finished you can draw the pirate ship and Captain Tim.  Good luck!

My  pirate  called is Tim.

hat.  The pirate large black had a 

called Joe.  He had parrot a

very big.  ship The pirate was

had a flag. It blowing the in wind

Tim on an island. hid his treasure

It was a coins. of box gold

Please remember to read your books and practice our phonic games as this will help with your reading.
Hope you all have a lovely day and remember to comment on the blog.

It has been so lovely to see you working so hard on the tasks today.  Thank you for all your photos.  I have shared some for you to look at.  Keep well and see you on Monday.  Have a great weekend with your family.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T