Good morning year 1
Hope you are all well and keeping safe with your family. It has been so lovely seeing your comments and photos of the work you have been doing at home.
Activity 1
Can you tell me what day it is today? Then lets see if you can sing the days of the week song and write down each day. You can time yourself and ask a parent to check your spellings.
This is the last day of March. What month comes next? Can you remember the months of the year? What month is your birthday?
You can write for example
My birthday is in __________. ______________ comes after March.
Can you remember how many seasons we have? What are they called?
There are __ seasons. They are called ___________________________.
You can draw a seasons picture to put in your window.
My favourite season is summer because I like to walk in the warm sunshine.
What is your favourite season and why?
Activity 2
Today here is a link for you to go onto a resource site, showing a range of reading activities for you to use. See instructions below to help you get on. Have a go!
Then click on the teacher portal and enter
Username -
password - Parents20!
Click - Login
Activity 3
2D shape activity
Can you name all the 2D shapes? Remember 2D shapes are flat shapes.
Can you make your own 2D shape picture?
Next, go on a 2D shape hunt around your house and garden. Can you find and draw something that is square, circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond, pentagon, semi-circle, hexagon or octagon.
How many different shapes can you find? Which shape could you find the most of and fewest of?
Let me know if you joined in the PE session at 9am with Joe Wicks. If not here's a link to a quick warm up session for the day.
Hope you all have a great day and remember to comment on the blog or through email.
Take care and keep well
From Mrs Rowland
Hi everybody
I hope you all had a brilliant day. Thank you all so much for your attitude towards learning and your fantastic photos and comments. Please continue to keep in touch each day and stay safe and well.
Below is some of the photos you have sent me.
Have a good evening and keep smiling.
Good morning all. I love the you have been doing! Mr P
*the work!
Good morning Mr P!
Hello Mr P
Good morning all from Justin and leyanne
Strange it seems to be working in Justin’s iPad today
Good morning Justin and Leyanne. Well done for posting comments
Good morning Justin and Leyanne
Thank you for your comments
Brodys been working really hard on reading,writing days of the week and loads of lego Modelling.
Hope your all staying safe x
Good afternoon Brody
Well done. Great to hear from you. Hope you are all well.
Thank you for your comment.
Hello mrs Rowland, yes we're all safe just finished my Season work,
Hello Mrs rowland. I've made a rabbit today with my sister out of arts and crafts. I've been doing lots of learning, reading, writing and crafts. I'm missing school and my friends but enjoying being at home too
Hello to you Cody
So lovely to hear from you. It's great that you have been doing lots of learning.
Keep safe and well and stay in touch. You can look on the blog later to see some photos that have been sent in.
Good morning Mrs rowland, good morning everyone
I've worked hard today, reading, a little bit of writing and then some cutting and gluing -that's my favourite
Morning miss Rowland and everyone iv done my shapes 3d and numbers colours and world's with ee in them done my adding and counting in 2s now I'm going to make a dent we will send you pictures Alfie
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