Monday, May 11, 2020

Marvellous Monday

Good morning Year One
I hope you had a fabulous weekend.  It's a new week and the sun is shining today.  It has been so encouraging to see the efforts you and your parents have been making towards learning at home.  We are all finding it tricky when we are not in school working alongside our friends and colleagues.  I miss you all and think you are absolutely amazing.  Have a good day and remember to stay in contact.

Warm up activity -   -Yeti

Activity One
English - Today we are going to have a look at a new story, new book.  
'The Marvellous Moon Map'

Listen to the story on the link and then think about these questions. 
What happens in the story? 
Why does bear decide to make a paper boat?
Pause at the cliffhanger in the forest.  What might be hidden in the forest?

Talk about the story

  • Talk about how mouse and bear feel at different parts of the story.

  • Talk about anything that puzzles children for example, any new words such as ‘marvellous’.

  • Talk about the moon, anything your child knows or would like to find out.

  • Share favourite illustrations and parts of the story and look at these again.

  • Look at all the space books and objects in Mouse’s house.

Activity 2

To practice our number bonds to 10 song.  Click on the link.

We're still carrying on with money.  Today looking at how many coins are needed to buy an item.

Any problems with the link practice some of the examples below.

A ball cost 10p.  If you haven't go a 10p coin, what other coins can you use to make 10p?

A comic book cost 20p.  What coins can you use to make 20p?  Think of as many ways as you can.

Activity 3

Art - Today I would like you to make your own paper boat linked to our story.
You can come up with your own ideas or you can follow the example on the video link below.  Have fun!

Have a great day.  Read your book in the garden whilst the sun is shining and practice your phonics.

Thank you everyone for your fabulous photos.  I can see you have all tried hard with the maths and you have made some fantastic paper boats.  Here are some of your photos below.  I hope you all 
have a good evening and I'll see you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Good morning all hope you are all well love from Toby 😋

Anonymous said...

Good morning from Abby

Mrs Rowland said...

Good morning Abby and Toby
Thank you for commenting on the blog.

theresa Alfie ince said...

good morning miss Rowland

Mrs Rowland said...

Good morning Alfie

Leyanne and Justin Lippett said...

Afternoon everyone

Me mum and the dog just got back from a walk out

Hope you are all well

Monika said...

Good afternoon everyone☺️ From Filip

Mrs Rowland said...

Hi Justin and Filip
Great to hear from you.

lindsay k said...

hi everyone I've finished my work

Mrs Rowland said...

Hi Lindsay
Well done for finishing your work.

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T