Friday, May 15, 2020

Fantastic Friday

Good morning Year One
Another week over and a new weekend on the way.  It's been a great week and you have all worked amazingly well.  Great attitudes to home learning.  Have a great day and remember to send your pictures or comment on the blog.

Warm up  -  Disney Shake-up

Activity 1
Listen to our story again, click on the link below.

Pack a bag and go on an adventureTalk about what might be needed to go on an adventure. Find a bag eg a rucksack and pack it with some of these things. Perhaps you could go on a real adventure with your supplies in your garden. (Making sure you have a map of course!) You might like to make a mini book about your adventure with drawings and writing.  It would also be nice to make you include your lunch, ask if you can make your own sandwich to eat on your adventure.  (You can click on the blue 'mini book' for ideas to make your own book.

Activity 2

Equal and unequal groups (sharing) following on from yesterday.

Activity 3 

Friday is always our 'Show and Tell' day.  We do this to help encourage conversation and to practice talking in sentences.  Today you can talk about the adventure you had in your garden.  What did you pack?  What did you wear?  Can you talk about your map?  What was the most important thing to pack in your bag?  

I hope you have a fun adventure!

Remember to read your book and practice your phonics.  You may decide to take your book on your adventure.

phonics link -


Hi everyone, it's the end to another day of home learning.  Wow! I am amazed at your attitudes to learning at home because I know it's difficult.  I have saw some fabulous learning today with some super pictures of your adventures.  I will now share some of your photos, have a great weekend.


Monika said...

Good morning everyone🌞 Filip

Mrs Rowland said...

Good morning Filip

Anonymous said...

Good morning from Toby 🤗

Unknown said...

Good mornong all from David

Mrs Rowland said...

Good morning to Toby and David
Lovely to hear from you

theresa Alfie ince said...

good afternoon miss rowland

Mrs Rowland said...

Good afternoon Alfie
I've just looked at your fab photos! Well done

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T