Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Rocket Mole Wednesday

Good morning Year One

I hope you had a good evening.  Today is going to be sunny so let's enjoy.  If you go into your garden today remember to put on sunscreen to protect your skin.  Our daily act of kindness for today is to tell someone how much you love them.  It could be a grandparent that you haven't been to see.

Warm up -   - Twist and Shout with Maximo

Activity 1
English- To listen to our story again about Rocket Mole and then to make your own underground hole.

Make your own underground room like MoleCover a table with a blanket to make a dark space. You could make a cosy ‘home’ for mole underneath with cushions, something to read and perhaps a torch as a light. Turn the light off to see how dark it is – can you still see? If you have a play tunnel, they could imagine being mole boring tunnels underground and seeking adventure. You could make your underground room outside in the garden. It's up to you! - Rocket Mole by Matt Carr

You can read your level book in your underground hole.  Here is your phonics link:

Activity 2

To use repeated addition to represent equal groups.

If you have problems on the link you can make groups of equal objects and write addition sentences for them. e.g. 

What is Repeated Addition? - Definition, Facts & Example

Activity 3
History - To make your own Time Capsule

Have you ever found something from a long time ago?  We often learn about the past by discovering things.  Why not make history by choosing to put things in a time capsule and burying them.  Just think, in the future, somebody will find them and learn about what it was like at this moment in time.

What you need:

Choose objects to put in a time capsule. (These objects are to be buried so check with parents first)

A strong, water tight container.  Choose one that is big enough for your chosen items.

A piece of paper.

What you do:

1.  You may wish to choose things to represent people in your family, hobbies, photo of your house.  It could be a picture or something written down about your family.  You could draw around everyone's hands or picture of your pet!

2.  On the piece of paper, write a letter to the future finder of your box.  You may want to tell them about yourself and say why you have chosen this items.  Tell them the fun things you are doing to keep busy.  Tell them how you feel and what you have been doing to help others.  Tell them about clapping for the NHS and why.

3.  Choose carefully where you are going to bury the time capsule.  (Please check with parents)  Then bury it and leave it.

4.  All we can do now is wonder who, in the future, will find your time capsule.

Have fun and choose your objects wisely!

Good afternoon Year One.  Thank you so much for sending me your pictures.  It's great to see you trying hard with reading and using resource books at home with your parents.  Thank you for accessing the blog. I have seen some great underground holes.  Here are today's photos, have a great evening and take care.  


Monika said...

Have a beautiful day everyone🌞 Filip

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon love from Toby 😎

Leyanne and Justin Lippett said...

Good afternoon all

Mrs Rowland said...

Hi everyone
What a beautiful day!

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T