Friday, May 29, 2020

Timetable for 1.6.20

Year 1 Timetable  - 1.6.20

Warm up – Go noodle
English: Traction Man is here by Mini Grey. Before listening to the story talk about the front cover and discuss the pictures you see.  What do you think the story is going to be about?

Maths: To introduce the multiplication symbol. Lesson 9
Art: To draw Traction Man.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden.

Warm up- Joe Wicks
English: spellings and phonics  common exception words 7
Maths: Matching repeated addition to multiplication. Lesson 10
PSHE: Harold’s daily diary
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden

Warm up- Maximo
English:  To listen to our story again.  To design a new outfit for Traction Man.
Maths: Matching multiplication to pictures. Lesson 11
Art/DT : To make an unusual pet like scrubbing brush.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Warm up- Cosmic kids
English: Spellings activity    common exception words 8
Maths: Reasoning. Lesson 12
Science: Make a Superhero float.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Warm up- Around the sock PE
English: To listen to our story again.  To draw their own Traction Woman and write a short story.
Maths: Multiplication involving zero and one. Lesson 13
Show and Tell – If you could have a super power, what will it be?  Talk about your super-power to someone
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T