Friday, June 19, 2020

Next week's timetable 22.6.20

Year 1 Timetable  -  22.6.20

Warm up – Go noodle
English: Our new story this week is The Gigantic Turnip
Read the story aloud, talking together about the pictures as you do. Talking about the book deepens children’s enjoyment and understanding of the story
After hearing the story a few times, children will get to know it well. Encourage them tell it to you in their own words, using some words and phrases remembered from the story, and using the pictures to help them.  - a musical version of the story
Story play
Children can use toys for the characters to act out the story. It’s a really good way for them to get to know the story well and to retell it, and helps to build their confidence with books.
You could also act it out with the whole family and a pretend turnip in the ground or on the floor!
Maths: Number bonds

Art: Draw a picture of everyone helping to pull the turnip out of the ground.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden.

Warm up- Joe Wicks/PE
Activity 1
English: spellings and phonic

Activity 2
Maths: To add two digit numbers to ones

Activity 3

Art : Make a vegetable picture
Paint or print vegetables, including a turnip, if you can. Click here for hints. You can label them, display and admire.

  Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden.

Warm up- Maximo

Activity 1
 English – To listen to our story again.
Write a letter
Write a letter to the animals asking for their help. Choose one animal, explain what the problem is and why they would be a good helper.
Activity 2
Maths : Subtract two digit numbers

Activity 3
Science:  Grow vegetables
Plant turnips or other vegetables in the garden, flowerpot or a window box. Water the seeds  and watch them grow. Take photographs of your plants growing and keep a record. Pull them out when they are fully grown and ready. Find out more here.

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Warm up- Cosmic kids

Activity 1
English: Spellings activity  
 Activity 2
Maths: Adding numbers by regrouping

Activity 3

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Warm up- Go noodle 
Activity 1                                            

English: Listen to our story again.

Invent your own story by changing the characters and the turnip.  Choose a different gigantic vegetable and make up your own characters.  You can make your story into a little book by folding paper.  You can write a beginning, middle and an end to your story. 
Activity 2
Maths: To subtract two digit numbers and ones with regrouping

Activity 3
Speaking and listening activity – Show and tell
Talk about the story you have written and read it to your toys.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T