Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Wednesday 1st July

Hello everyone
Here are the activities for Wednesday.  I hope you all have a lovely day and please continue to send your pictures as it's great to hear from you.

Warm up- Maximo

Activity 1
 English – To listen to our story again.

Make a zigzag book Using card or paper, children can make a zigzag book and draw the story with each scene of the story on a different page. Then they can add their own writing to tell the story, using the repeated phrases, or in their own words.

Activity 2
Maths : Exploring addition and subtraction
Activity 3

Draw your own African animals or print some pictures and make your own landscape for them to live.  You can use paper or card to make your design/picture.  You can pretend that you are someone who takes people on safari to see the animals.  You can make a truck for the visitors to your safari park to ride in.

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw

Good afternoon everyone.  Take a good look at the wonderful efforts you have made today with your activities.  Here are today's photos.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T