Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Thursday 18th June

Good morning Year one
Here are today's activities, hope you enjoy.  Let's hope the sun will shine again today so we can have some fun time outside in the garden.  Please remember to comment on the blog and say hello to your friends.

Warm up- Cosmic kids

Activity 1
English: Spellings activity

Activity 2
Maths: Order numbers within 100

Activity 3

Surprise!!  Sunday is ‘Father’s Day’.  Why don’t you make a card for someone special in your life?  You can make a card for your dad, grandad or brother or even for all three.  Tell them how special they are to you.

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Here are today's pictures.  Well done to the children who are interacting with home learning, you are making an amazing effort and trying so hard.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T