Monday, June 1, 2020

Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning Year One

Here are today's activities for you to do.  Please remember to say hello either on the blog or through email.  It's so nice to hear from you all, plus it cheers me up to see all the effort you are making.

Act of kindness - Today practice self-kindness.  Do something you enjoy! It's also important to think of our own well-being.  Remember we are all special!

Warm up- Joe Wicks 

Activity 1

English: spellings and phonics

Click on spelling tiles. You could also go back and practice the test.

Activity 2
Maths: Matching repeated addition to multiplication. Lesson 10   
Link below

Activity 3
PSHE: Harold’s daily diary

My Daily Diary - by Harold

Well, did you have a nice half-term break - what did you get up to? The weather where I live was super sunny and warm so I spent a lot of time outside. One thing I did outside was look after some potatoes I've been growing. Since it's been so hot and there's been no rain at all, it was very important that I watered them every day, otherwise they'd die!
It's the start of a new half-term, and some people from my school are going back some time this week - though I'm not one of them, I have a bit longer at home. It does make me sad that I can't see my friends, but at least I can still call them and speak to them, even if it's not in real life!
Perhaps some of you are going back to school this week, or in the next few weeks. There'll probably be some new rules to keep us all safe from COVID-19. It will all be a bit different, I think.
My friend Kiki the Kangaroo (do you remember Kiki? She's the one who likes to bounce!) told me about a book she read all about not worrying too much about the virus, even though it can sound a bit scary!
 You can watch it being read by the author, Jon Burgerman.
It's Mindful Tuesday today and I've been thinking of things I do if I feel worried. One thing I can do is talk to my mum. She always comforts me and makes me feel better! I could also do my pufferfish breathing that I told you about a few weeks ago, that's great at calming me down! 
What do you do when you're feeling worried? Let me know, I'd love to hear your ideas to share with everyone!
Well I'd better get going, I've got school work to be doing and I'm also going to practise some mindfulness activities today.

Remember to read and practice your phonics today.  Here is the link below.

Have a great day and keep well.

Thank you for the ones who have sent photos of your work today.  It's so lovely to keep in touch and see how hard you are all trying.  Here are a selection of your pictures.  Have a good evening and take care.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning , ollie parsons

Mrs Rowland said...

Good morning Ollie, great to hear from you.

Leyanne and Justin Lippett said...

Hello all

Monika said...

Hello Everyone☺️ Filip

Unknown said...

Hello 😊 David Paval

theresa Alfie ince said...

Hello everyone how's u iv had a busy day with my mum and and my sisters now got home time to chilled

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T