Sunday, June 14, 2020

Timetable for next week 15.6.20

Year 1 Timetable  -  15.6.20

Warm up – Go noodle
English: Our new story this week is The snail and the whale by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler. 
Read aloud Before reading the story, encourage children to look at the cover, the back and front, and to talk about what they see. What do they think the story will be about? If the characters/animals were speaking, what might they be saying?
Talk  about the story Which pages did children like? Discuss and share favourites together. Where would children like to go if they were the snail?
How did the whale and the snail feel at different points in the story? Children might talk about being big, doing ‘big’ things or being and feeling small.
What do children know about snails and whales? 
Can you make your own model snail?  You can use playdough or anything you like to make your snail.

Maths: Comparing numbers

Art:  In school we have been drawing our friends that we are missing. Can you draw a picture of all the friends that you miss?  At the moment we can’t give our friends a hug. We can send them an air hug.  What do you miss about your friends?
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden.

Warm up- Joe Wicks/PE

Activity 1
English: spellings and phonics  

Activity 2
Maths: Comparing numbers

Art : To make a hug and a heart for a special friend.

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden.

Warm up- Maximo

Activity 1 : English – To make your own speech bubble for the whale and the snail.  What do they say to each other when they first meet?

Maths : Ordering numbers to 100

Activity 3

PSHE:  Can you make a paper hug for a member of your family you haven’t been able to see?
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Warm up- Cosmic kids
English: Spellings activity   
Maths: Order numbers within 100

Surprise:  Sunday is ‘Father’s Day’.  Why don’t you make a card for someone special in your life?  You can make a card for your dad, grandad or brother or even for all three.  Tell them how special they are to you.
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Warm up- Go noodle                                              

English: Persuade the snail
Help snail to decide what to do. Should she go sailing with whale or stay with her friends? Look at the beginning section of the story where whale says, ”Come sail with me”.

Think together about 2 or 3 reasons why snail should go with whale, for example: Go because you’ll see the world and have adventures!
Then think of 2 or 3 reasons why her friends want snail to stay on the rock, for example: Don’t go we’ll miss you so!
What would children decide if they were snail?
Maths: Identifying patterns within numbers
Activity 3
Use a large tray (a builder’s tray is ideal for this) or a sand and water tray to create a seascape for the snail’s adventures. You can add sand, gravel, twigs and rocks.Children can help you add water and arrange the scene.  Add a toy whale and your model snail. You can use your scene to retell all or part of the story together.
You could make icebergs with your child by putting water in different shaped containers in a freezer to add to the scene and talk about what happens when the ice melts. To make a homemade volcano see here
Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

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Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T