Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Wednesday 10th June

Good morning Wednesday!
Thank you for commenting on the blog and for sending your pictures to me.  We hope you are all ok and keeping well.  If you want to say hello to any of your friends, you can email me with a message and I will tell them.

Here are today's activities.  Stay Safe!

Warm up- Maximo
Activity 1
English:  To listen to our story again. 

 Write a sorry letter from Shifty or Sam to the Scottie Dog about trying to steal Big Eared Bob.
You can start your letter with:       

Dear Scottie Dog

Activity 2

Maths:exploring numbers within 100

Here is counting to 100 song for you to warm up!

Below is the link for today's maths.  Good luck!

Activity 3

ICT: Coding

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits. 

Hi everyone, hope you had a nice day.  Thank you for your photos and all your hard work.  If you are at home please comment on the blog or send a message because we miss seeing you and it's important to keep in touch.  Here are today's photos.  Have a lovely evening.


Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone �� love from Toby

Mrs Rowland said...

Good afternoon Toby
We hope you are having a lovely day. We have been practicing our phonics, number bonds and writing sentences about our friends.
From Mrs Rowland and some of the year one children

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T