Thursday, June 11, 2020

Friday 12th June

Hi everyone
I hope you have had a good week.  Let's hope the weather is better over the weekend so we can enjoy the sunshine.  It's been a busy but very different week in school and all the children have talked about their friends and the things they are missing.  Let's all try to remember to wear a smile and be happy.

Here are today's activities:

Warm up- Count to 100

Counting in fives

Activity 1                                              

English: To listen to our story again and play a rhyming game using the words below.

Make up a rhyming game with the following words.  You can write them on pieces of card or paper.  Turn them over and mix them up.   Then find words that rhyme.
Job    rob      cried     tried     tea   me    down   town     Sam    jam
Sob    Bob      bad    sad     in   grin     time    crime      do     clue
Activity 2
 Maths: One more/one less and ten more/ten less

Activity 3

Make your own gingerbread biscuits with Shifty and Sam.

Ingredients 350g plain flour 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 125g butter 175g light soft brown sugar 1 free-range egg 4 tablespoons golden syrup

Shifty and Sam’s Gingerbread Recipe Method
1. ‘Sifty’ (like Shifty!) together the flour and the bicarbonate of soda, ginger and cinnamon. Pour it into the bowl and stir it all together. Add the slippery butter (like Slippery Sam!) and blend until the mix looks like breadcrumbs. Then, stir in the sugar. 2. Lightly beat the egg and golden syrup together and add to your bowl, mixing it all together. Tip the dough out and knead it until smooth. Wrap your dough in cling film and leave to chill in the fridge for 15 minutes. 3. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4. Cover two baking trays with greaseproof paper. 4. Sprinkle the spare flour on your surface and get ready to roll out your dough! Now it’s time to get creative. Cut out your very own gingerbread shapes and place them on the baking tray, leaving a gap between them. 5. Bake for 12–15 minutes, or until golden-brown. Leave on the tray for 10 minutes and then move to a wire rack to finish cooling. 6. When the biscuits have cooled, it’s time to decorate.

Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

Hi to everyone at home, hope you are all well.  Thank you again for all your hard work.  It's fantastic to see how you are coping with home learning and your attitudes are brilliant.  All your friends in school send their love and best wishes.  Have a great weekend, see you next week.  Here are today's pictures.


Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone have a good day miss u all love from Toby

Mrs Rowland said...

Good morning Toby
We hope you are ok. Have a fantastic weekend and take care.
From your friends in school

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T