Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning to you all

I trust that you are all well and ready for today's activities.  It won't be long before some of you are heading back into school.  Remember to keep sending your photos and messages on the blog because it's important to keep in touch.

Daily act of kindness- To smile at everyone you see.

Warm up - Maximo

Activity 1

English:  To listen to our story again. Then to design a new outfit for Traction ManWhat design do you think will suit his character?  Can you then label his outfit?  Write a sentence saying why you chose this particular design.

Activity 2

Maths: Matching multiplication to pictures. Lesson 11

Activity 3

Art/DT : To make an unusual pet like scrubbing brush and if you have time and the weather is fine you can do some water play.

Unusual petScrubbing brush is a perfect, if unusual, pet for Traction Man. Search the house for another pet for the action man. Decorate with pet features and think about how the pet can help our hero.

Water playFill the sink or a bowl with water and kitchen objects, just like the story.
You can enjoy playing and making up your own stories, with sound effects.


Reading and phonics: Read your level book in the garden if the weather permits.

I hope you all have a good day.  Remember to send your photos and please say hello on the blog.

Good afternoon everyone.  I hope you have had a nice day although the weather hasn't been great today.  I am looking forward to seeing the children who are coming back into school tomorrow.  I will still be using the blog for home learning.  Here is today's pictures for you to see.  Make sure you have a nice early night if you are returning to school tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Good morning just about to start my work have a good day everyone love from Toby 😎

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, just about to start my school work, ollie parsons

Monika said...

Good morning everyone😊 Filip

Leyanne and Justin Lippett said...

Morning everyone hope you are all well

Mrs Rowland said...

Hi everyone, hope you are all ok.

Home learning highlights

Take a look at some of the home learning activities year 1 have completed so far 🌟 T